Peruvian Grower Showcase is Filled with ‘Grape’ Connections
Posted on September 15th, 2014
Ira attended the Expoalimentaria, a grower showcase and produce convention in late August in Lima, Peru. He spent 3 ½ days meeting with new growers to increase import volumes and find the best imports available.
Growing conditions are good in both Chile and Peru this season
Northern Chile is still experiencing a severe water shortage that will produce small grapes in December and January harvests. A serious water shortage in Ovalle, Chile could mean the end of grape growing for this part of Chile. This year it is expected that there will be a decline in volume of 60-70% of peak production. (Watch for our next blog article to report more on this issue in northern Chile and Ovalle.)
A bit farther north in Chile, the Copiapo Valley is expected to produce a normal crop in terms of volumes but still undersized fruit.
Peru will release some of the first grapes, Red Globes, the first week of November. In contrast to Chile, it is expected that the Red and Green Seedless will be of great quality and size as Peru is not experiencing water issues. Shipments are expected early December through the end of January.
California grape promos are in peak and moving well. Two weeks ahead of crop schedule but slightly lower volumes, leaving good pricing opportunities from Chilean and Peruvian importers to watch for.
Direct Source Marketing is expected to import 600,000 boxes of table grapes and stone fruits this import season.
The Expoalimentaria highlights food and beverages, machinery, equipment, inputs, containers and packaging, services, restaurants, and gastronomy. It has become the focal point of exporters and select buyers from all corners of the globe. There were 30,000+ in attendance along with 600+ exhibitors.
Educational seminars and presentations on branding, marketing strategies, container and packaging trends, trends in organic products, sustainable agriculture and many more topics rounded out a very busy few days in South America.